

At Alexandra Infant School we respect and value all children and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils so they can learn, in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. We believe every pupil should be able to participate in all academy activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm.  This is the responsibility of every adult employed by, or invited to deliver services at Alexandra Infant School.  We recognise our responsibility to safeguard all who access the academy and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.

DSL (Designated Safeguard Lead) Team
Alison Miss Alison Hills - Head Teacher - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Layer 2

Miss M Cenayko - Deputy Head Teacher - Deputy Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Image Miss A Bridgland - KS1 Leader - Yr 2 Teacher - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Layer 3 Ms Mandie Fulker - Senior Admin Officer/SENCo Secretary - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Layer 4 Mr Ian Anderson - Local Committee (Chair) - Local Committee Safeguarding Lead

Please follow the links below for more information regarding safeguarding:

NEST Policies Link

KCSIE Key Points

NSPCCNSPCC - Keeping Children SafeCEOPSafeguarding Questions for Parents/Carers

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):

Tel: 020 846 7309/7373/7379/7026

Out of Hours (Emergencies Only): 0300 303 8671


For more information regarding online safety please click the link below:


For more information regarding mental health and wellbeing please follow the link below:

Mental Health and Wellbeing