E-Safety / Online

E-Safety and Acceptable Use

It is really important that we all know how to stay safe online. At Alexandra Infant School, use of the internet is supervised and filtered by London Grid for Learning, our internet provider, to ensure that websites accessed are suitable.

NEST Policies Link

Pupil AUP SymbolsPupil AUP KS1

Google-Safe-Search-GuidanceNOS-Parents-Guide-on-ScreentimeEducation Protection - E-Safety Information

Useful websites for parents and carers

Please follow the links below for useful websites and documents to help you to keep your children safe online: 

Social Media Age Ratings

Gaming Guidance for ParentsA Parents Guide to SnapchatA Parents Guide to TikTokA Parents Guide to InstagramKeeping your Child Safe Online Checklist for Parents/Carers

Parent ZoneBBC Own itLGFL Online SafetyCEOPThinkuknowChildnetE-Learning Prevent